Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It Starts in Mumbai!

Well it's true what they say - no matter how much reading and preparation you do, you can never fully prepare for the real thing. My flight from Vancouver to India took a stop in Hong Kong and Bangkok and all told from lift-off Vancouver, to touch-down Mumbai it was exactly 24 hours journey. However it wasn't as bad as it sounds as I got lots of rest, read and watched some movies/TV, and was fairly comfortable scoring an emergency aisle each time (ah, legroom).

Arriving at 3am local customs and baggage were reasonably smooth and I'd hired a taxi into Colaba, a fairly well-traveled area of Mumbai. The Sassoon dock, promised to be a hub of fisherman activity turned out to be a sketchy spot in the pre-dawn so I was taken for a ride (both literally and figuratively) by my driver to the Gateway of India, only 500m away. Here I waited in front of the Taj Hotel (not the actual Taj) as the day lightened, getting some friendly tips from a German couple. There were many other 'friendly' Indians offering to find me a room and eventually I did get one though not until I'd stepped over sleeping people, and gone up super-sketchy lifts 5 floors while checking out OTHER hotels.

Once that was settled away I regrouped at the Gateway and took the Lonely Planet (thank goodness for Lonely Planet!) walking tour through the old British Fort area to the main train station. There are dogs, sleeping people, tiny cats with big heads, and yes - cows - all over the streets. Mostly I just cruised around on my own, feeling comfortable (at least when the sun is up) in any situation, while still exercising caution and sticking to somewhat busy thoroughfares. Saw the Mint, the Bank of India Reserve (btw don't try to take a picture of this, and if you do pull your camera out, then at least take the picture so you can delete it when the security guard forces you to!), and the University of Mumbai. Best of all there are huge parks in the heart of the city that overlook old English buildings, such as the Court House - a bustling place where security isn't all that good and I managed to climb to the 4th floor rooftop overlooking the complex.

At an Applied Art School I met a friendly fellow and swung a cricket bat - though the actual game fell through. Later on a couple young guys bought me a Chai tea (this tea is so sweet I actually like it!) before they tried to hustle me into buying a male Indian-dress before I caught on to the ruse.

Been an eventful day and a half.. my train was to leave at 7 this morning but has been delayed til 11. Almost that time now so I'd better go catch it!

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