Friday, February 26, 2010

Vancouver Olympics: Day 10 Highlights

- The highlight of this day was kicking around the house during the day in preparation for the big match: Canada vs USA
- Lowlight, the result of the Canada vs US game, though the beer tasted good
- Against their will I dragged my friends to the Saskatchewan Pavilion for the Library Voices show. Hipster dancing abounds and new music was played, all of which written on the set list we had autographed
- You think the night is over there? Nope! A narrow escape from a boarder's touchy pick-up on the Skytrain brought us back to Robson. This was, not surprisingly, the quietest we'd seen the street since before the Opening Ceremonies, likely due to the disappointment of the hockey loss.
- The lack of crowds made it easier to pick Quatchi out of the crowd. Behind Quatchi was Elvis Stojko's nose and eyes, so we naturally creeped along behind him until gaining the courage to ask for a picture.

- Following our photo op, a few other girls were waiting around for their chance. However when Elvis tried to step in the girls pulled Quatchi from his hands and turned their backs on him, as his girlfriend ribbed him "I don't think they want you in the shot, honey." He was the ultimate gentleman though, and we were happy to have tracked him down.

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