Saturday, January 28, 2012

Australia, The Rematch/New Zealand (February 2012)

Welcome to this double feature. Grab your popcorn, or more appropriately some of Stefan's Pies, and prepare to follow the adventure through this foreign feature.

A mere fourteen months ago I was returning from the underside of the world with visions of starfish and tales of even grander times to be had in New Zealand.

Not to mention my new-found appreciation for organized tours, and the parties that run hand-in-hand. Doing the quick calculation I realized at a rate of one Contiki tour a year I only had ten more opportunities before being age-discriminated out of eligibility. All of this combined with a yearning to see everything in the whole wide world, and additionally take a break from the Canadian winter, culminated in the planning of this trip. I couldn't very well travel all that way and not pop in to say hello to my Aussie and transplanted-Aussie friends (see you soon Lee, Shai, Yian Yian, Dan and Tegan!) so I'm starting in the familiar home of the kangaroo before breaking new ground with the kiwis.

Equipped with my new everything-proof camera and a desperate desire for a break following some intense months of work I'm setting off shortly to view every vista and soak up every ray of my month away. That being said, I may take the occasional moment to fill you in on what I've seen and done. Feel free to peek here from time to time and read all about it.

Next post from the other side!


  1. I'm just happy that I get to make jokes about your pies again.

  2. Also, Donna says that she'll be monitoring your blog to make sure that you're a) alive and b) still intending to return home. She has no time for any other details.
