Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Agra's Amazing Architecture

And there it was. Positively glowing in the just-crested, red, morning sun. After all the hype - the talk and the photographs - the stories and the fables - the early wake up call and the long line. These things are not worth listing, for none of it really mattered once the magnificent structure stood boldly against the sky at the far end of the perfectly straight garden. Knowing that I was embarking on the final steps of a long path to perhaps the most beautiful man-made structure in history brought through me a sense of awe, coupled with an odd serenity despite the hordes of fellow onlookers. Approaching the jewel, I found the tower tops and the infamous dome to be radiating a warmth towards me that eased the chill of the morning. Finally reaching my destination it was only a matter of soaking in the grand sight of Agra's Taj Mahal.

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