Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today marks my 35th and final day in India (for this trip). On the one hand it has been a long five weeks, marked with heat and annoyances, but only slight occasional discomfort and rarely any fear. In return for these temporary inconveniences I've seen a truly wonderful country despite its problems. The pollution, both noise and environmental, that have been a nearly non-stop reminder of the issues associated with huge populations and developing nations. However the friendly, inviting people (for the most part), the amazing history, the beautiful country, sprinkled with awesome buildings, caves, architecture and more have made the entire experience wholly worthwhile. At this juncture I am ready to bid a farewell to India and look forward to a few days of serenity on the beaches of Thailand. That being said, the call of India may very well draw me back here in the future armed with a better understanding of the country, and a desire to explore it much further as there is plenty left to see. For now India, so long!

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