Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Guardian Series

I like to think it's my approachable appearance, winning smile and charming demeanour, though others might argue it's the clueless look, shit-eating grin or pitiable situations I put myself in, but either way I have been the recipient of a great deal of good-will during my travels. Whether put there of my own volition or by unforseen circumstances I have seen my fair share of unenviable positions and have many times been assisted out of these holes by strangers. Simply from the goodness of their hearts they have seen a fellow human in need and done what they can to set me on the right path. In recognition of these wonderful godsends I am launching the guardian series. This will give you a chance to marvel at my stupidity and then feel some of the warmth that I felt due to their actions. It also is my simple way of saying thanks to them, and while I'm at it, the universe.

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