Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Profile: Albanian Van Driver

Meet the man I've entrusted my life to

- Refuses to drive into town from the "main road" to pick me up in the rain (after a ten minute standoff and much yelling in Albanian by my hosts he cracks)
- Negotiates hair pin turns on loose boulders at 1000m up in the mountains with no curb and centimetres to spare with apparent ease, and speed
- Answers and dials mobile calls at any time, regardless of where he's driving, noticeably taking his eyes off the road for extended periods
- Stalled once
- Stops for "coffee", drinks beer plus one for the road sending the empty bottle out the window
[Official drink driving law in Albania none, 0% blood alcohol]
- Verbally abuses and sneers at oncoming man who can't seem to get himself out of our way (funny that, on an extremely narrow one way mountain path)
- Honks incessantly at construction vehicle drivers and continually bears down on them until they give us room to pass, practically touching
- Pretends to put on seatbelt only upon reaching city limits

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