Friday, April 4, 2014

Profile: Sammy, a Cellist

Meet Sammy

- From Guatemala
- Can (some of) speak 5 languages, none of which are Turkish
- Only 23 years old
- Began playing cello 6 years ago on a whim thanks to a free lesson on the way home from the football pitch
- Plays 0 other instruments
- Has traveled either with the Youth Orchestra of the Americas or to teach cello to Germany, 5 places in Switzerland and now Turkey
- Bashful when asked to duet pop music with a 60 year old pianist
- No hesitation to perform his preferred classical pieces for a crowd of 7, plus passersby, at a street side cafe
- Confident enough to play on request in a gorgeous water cistern cum automobile garage cum fancy restaurant lit by 200 candles and providing impeccable acoustics with its arched dome ceilings busy with diners

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