Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Guardian: And I Quote

Even after beeping out the entire 'When the Saints Go Marching In' on the apartment buzzer which amazingly read 'Sunny Italy' just as we hoped, nobody answered (of course, this being a Guardian post and all.)  We determined to head back to the main street and look for assistance or WiFi, whichever came first, and before we even reached the sidewalk we had our guardian. "Problem?" the middle-aged, friendly Italian man asked and we did our best to explain without any common language but in the end just pulled out the B & B phone number. He dialed, spoke briefly and handed the tin can over to me. It sounded like an Italian man speaking quickly to me, arms waving, from within an echo mic.

Following a frustrating minute of 'pardon', 'I can't understand you', 'your sister what?', 'scuzzi?', 'I'm at the apartment - just come here' I gave up and handed the phone back to the guardian who promptly flipped it closed with the guy on the other end in mid-sentence.

'Gratzi' we muttered as he walked off and we were once again faced with 'now what?'

But before we could answer that the guardian returned speaking into the phone and motioned for us to follow him. We hauled our sacks behind as he used his few English words with us 'car', 'sister', 'cafe canasta' and lead us to the last one where he indicated for us to wait and with a handshake he returned to whatever he was doing before he made the mistake of asking us 'problem?'

Like dweebs we stood on this street corner for a quarter of an hour waiting for something to happen. "Katherine, watch my bag," I instructed before marching back to the apartment.

'..oh, how I want to be in that number..' Still no answer so I returned to Katherine. Except Katherine wasn't there and there was no sign of her or my bag. "Well, I guess that's the last I've seen of her. Dad is going to be upset with me.." I thought with despair. Figuring the only chance was that she'd been picked up and had driven around the block I ran back to the apartment one more time and was relieved to see her unloading my massive pack from a miniature car. "Boy, am I glad to see you!"

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