Monday, May 5, 2014

Bear With Me: Graves, Recycled Shit, Ice Cream

My bold claim "I'd rather dig wolf graves" became a lesson in "be careful what you wish for." The terribly rocky ground was offset only by interesting company and the beautiful mountaintop forest surroundings, despite being in a bear cemetery. Following a large vegetable tofu casserole lunch we were off on bikes to refill the sawdust supplies for the compost toilets. Our return brought the toughest assignment of the day, moving hundred kilo planks. On the bright side we were moving them around the outside of the young bear enclosures, so frequent rests allowed us to watch the bears munch playfully on tires and jump into the pool for a cooling dunk. There was also an ice cream break, for the bears at least, where I got to toss a block of walnut and fruit filled ice into the youngest's enclosure so he could cautiously eat it while keeping an eye on me. We bought a case of beer (20X0.5l) for 119.80 kuna ($24 CAD) before chasing an old man in slippers around the bush, driving wooden stakes into the ground where he divined from a photograph. After sunset I returned to the big bears to toss logs with snacks hidden inside them into the area and then went to the volunteer house to snack myself. After cracking into that case I had potentially the best part of my day - first shower (hot even) in three days.

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