Tuesday, May 6, 2014

BwM: Autopsy

The morning was simple enough - moving heavy things in wheelbarrows and weeding. However after our lovely picnic lunch the day picked up. Forty experts visited our refuge to perform the autopsy and dissection of first three wolves and then three sheep suspected to have been killed by wolves. I documented the whole thing with my camera, only pausing to snap shots of the agitated bears nearby harassing each other and climbing trees. When everyone left we loaded up the carcasses and met near the grave I had dug where we buried the wolves and then lit a massive bonfire for the sheep. When the pivo ran out we made our way back down the forest path in the dark for a much delayed dinner which stretched into wine/sparkling water and rakia (hence the late hour and brevity of this post despite the interesting content of the day). You're lucky my photos are not available to upload.

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