Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Profile: Montenegro

- Small, coastal and formerly communist though that fact doesn't hang as thick over them as Albania say (likely due to the massive Balkan tourism money injection)
- Uses the Euro despite not being in the EU
- Regrettably joined in the '91 shelling of Dubrovnik, Croatia which they have since somewhat apologised for

Cuisine: Anyone like grilled vegetables?? Besides that and risotto I did have a very tasty and different typical local dish. It was like mashed potatoes but there was more cornmeal mixed into it than potato giving it a thicker texture. Served with a healthy scoop of cream cheese and whole bowl of sour cream. Same old light beer Niksiçko dominated the scene throughout the country but their tamno pivo (dark) was worth walking out of bars for.

Stray Dog Rating (out of 5): The dogs could bark but all seemed to have owners. 0

Sidewalk Safety: No cars in the old towns! Cobblestones could pose problems for the high heeled or drunk, and of course walking along the tops of fortress walls is dangerous but that was by choice.

Rambling Impressions: Coast, old town, fortress. Coast, old town, fortress. Yes these things can make for a quaint place to stay and get lost but when it's all you have to offer, or at least all you have to offer in the rain the repetition wears thin. In my first five hours in the country I'd done this combo twice and was faced with two more opportunities. My attempt to raft/canyon/bike was shut down due to already amassed snow and forecasted rain ending in a lovely, if long drive through more canyons to the northern national park then back to the third old town. Some night life made it tolerable but heavy rain the next day drove me right out of the country, doing the opposite of Albania - planning a week and spending 3 nights.

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