Sunday, May 4, 2014

Guardians: Eric and Per, Bosnia/Croatia/Norway

Rafting on the Una River in northwestern Bosnia I met these two fun-loving Norwegians. Within minutes they had invited me to join their party. You see this weekend getaway was a surprise for Per's birthday. He was instructed to drive to Eric's house with his car gassed up, waterproof gear but no need for a passport. Upon arrival he was told to park in the garage and get in Eric's car - curve ball. They drove towards a nearby party city when at the last minute Eric, who drives anything fast, cut across four highway lanes into the airport producing astonished Per's passport he'd procured through his girlfriend. They flew to Croatia where they'd be partying but first the next morning they were paddling down a river with me. I'd been wondering how I was going to cross the minor border to reach my bear sanctuary destination the next day so when they offered a ride in their rental I jumped out of the raft at the chance. The two, who sell and service top-end sports cars in Oslo (at thrice American prices due to taxes), were superbly gracious and overwhelmingly generous. At the end of the few hour drive we stocked up on party supplies which we brought back to their pimping rented apartment. When the rain of the day exhausted itself Eric made it rain champagne with a pop! into the rose garden and the party began. Though I'd planned to go find a place to stay there was no opportunity, and frankly no reason, to leave as they introduced me to the Tomorrowland After-Video and American boat races while I played some Canadian music in a cross cultural exchange. (Early Nickelback was a surprise hit.) Carling beer, yes I believe the same terrible Canadian export, and "jet fuel" aka vodka replaced dinner and the after burners kicked in when the bars of Zadar closed up and gave way to night clubs at 2am. Dehydrated on a leather couch is where I found myself this rainy morning.
PS Beautiful people who wish to join me in Belgium for Tomorrowland 2015 can comment below

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