Saturday, October 17, 2009

Back Photos

I realize I promised this as a photo blog and have barely come through.. well I'll attempt to change that with some pics from over the past couple weeks. Most are nature/caves etc and people-free but I'll spare you too many of those and stick to the other which fall into one of two categories. The super-awkward self-shot or even more awkward delay-run-to-the-spot pic.

Cowering below a shelter to hide from the rain that I saw for 2.5 days when I first got to Goa and haven't seen since (besides a couple drops here and there.)

These trouble-makers followed me around the "mini-Taj" the entire time. That is until the security guard whistled and kicked them out. Not sure what they did wrong due to language barriers - I was enjoying their shadowing actually.

My front porch from my hut in Hampi. It is overlooking a rice field, and a river, with palms growing in it. This is just about sunset - beautiful, quiet and serene. Can't say enough about Hampi.

One of the many, many sculptures in Hampi. I've got other attempts at being God-like (not blasphemous).. traveling alone can make you go a little funny.


  1. finally got around to checking out your travel blog!! glad to see you are having a good time and seeing lots of cool stuff and taking in the culture. stay safe and don't forget to send your friends at home postcards ;)

    - AB

    (PS-- nice reference to "Squeakers" cheese curds earlier!! ;)

  2. Oh my goodness the things that I've seen. Thanks for checking in... and keep checking your mail box (well maybe not just yet.. see how fast India mail is).

    Not the feline squeakers, but still.

