Friday, October 9, 2009

Indian Things (Joke, Transit, Ads)

Joke: How do you get an elephant in the refrigerator?
Answer: Open the door and put it in.
Me: Totally confused
It is a big fridge!
How do you put a camel in the fridge?
Me: I know - open the door and put it in.
Answer: No, you can't because it's full of an elephant!
My transportation:
Plane - 1 day, ugh
Taxi - rip off
Foot - heavy pack
Train - huge delay
3-wheel autorickshaw - loud, wet, bumpy, awesome
Local Bus - decent, cheap
Hyundai - musty
Express Bus - full, slowed due to accident (then we got in an accident but neither driver stopped) but fine
Packed Local Bus - completely different than regular, rather awful and I missed my stop leading to...
Back of a motorcycle - surprisingly good, not too close to death
Back of a scooter - quick way to the beach, and free! Friendly fellow
'Luxury' Bus - anything but... not sure if I slept or just lay down while the upper bunk crumbled on me for 12 hours
Motor Boat - quick jaunt across the river (twice a day, my hotel is removed which makes it amazing.. overlooking the rice fields, rivers and Hampi's hills.. but anyway)
Floating Saucer - surreal at sunset, really cool (handmade by the paddler!) Kinda like the teacups at the fair
Back of a rickety bicycle - Non english speaking old man basically forced me on the back and then peddled up a huge hill (and then down the other side whee!) while my legs cramped trying not to drag my feet

Radio Commercial: Hindi hindi hindi Unwanted 72 hindi hindi hindi no abortion hindi hindi

PS: I know I need pics - I tried tonight but the comp is too old and won't recognize my camera or memory stick. Sheesh!

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