Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lost and Ruined

I'm in the most fantastic place I may have ever been in my life. The Lost/Holy City of Hampi was one of the most glorious in its day - dominating south India from the 14th century well into the 16th until it fell in one battle leaving behind some of the most amazing ruins you can imagine. That is, before today I couldn't even imagine. Not only that but the landscape of large boulders swept up into massive piles to form mountains all around and throughout makes the place magical. I clamoured up over 500 steps today to a Hindu Temple at the top overlooking everything. Everything being 2844 temples in this area alone according to the paddler of my saucer boat today - a glorified sledding saucer that floats! Going to be here until Sunday when I begin trekking back to Mumbai. I'm glad to have the time here to explore this incredible place thoroughly.. and dread the bus/train that will take me away from it.

PS: I know I'm slacking on the posts, and pics especially, but if you saw the comp I'm working with you'd understand!


  1. I knew you'd love Hampi! It's like being in a Sci Fi movie huh.. Can't wait to hear more! Lee x

  2. Pics or it didn't happen...
