Monday, October 12, 2009

Trains, Planes and Autorickshaws

Forget the crappy stories.. (get it?) I should let you know how I'm doing and where I'm doing it. The past four glorious days have been spent trekking all over the amazing lost empire of Hampi. During that time I walked somewhere around 25km I'm sure, to the top of three massive hills (one unsure, one 500+ steps and the last 590 steps) for absolutely stunning views of the old temples and ruins around - not to mention the hills upon bouldered hills... with 5 sets from me to the horizon looking in just one direction. Stunning!

Due to landslide (end of monsoon season) the tracks were out and I was forced to travel by train both there and back. Ugh - pretty horrible as previously mentioned as every pothole is accentuated by the bus' lack of suspension. And loud!

Back to the train today as I head back up the west coast - passing briefly through Mumbai while I got to check out some ancient caves. Then instead of a day on the train I opted to fly 1 hour north to Udaipur. This is known as India's most romantic city (sadly I'll be there alone) but is probably one of the best spots to celebrate Diwali (the festival of lights) which means Fireworks! Woo. (Can't imagine they'll be as crazy as Czech Republic at New Year's Eve but we shall see)

Udaipur - Jaipur (Pink City, forts and palaces) - Delhi (Larissa) - Agra (Taj!) and more. Gonna be a busy few weeks, which means I'll have plenty more to post.

In closing I'll grade the temple monk's English assignment.

"Fut Wear Leving Hear" read the sign at the top of the Hannuman (Monkey) Temple. I give them 1/4 on spelling and unfortunately cannot give any marks for grammar.

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