Sunday, October 11, 2009

Toilet Troubles

Having a nice stroll on the beach in Goa without anyone around when the few beers from the night before start rolling around in my guts again. Clenching to the nearest resort I'm pointed to a tiny shed around back. Inside is an American-style toilet, but I search frantically for toilet paper (knowing that there's nothing in my pockets to use) and found only a small bucket and a water tap. My first time coming upon this problem and I was in a desperate state. Shooing the lizard from the toilet seat I plugged my nose and shut the door - to realize that the daylight from the door crack had been my only source of light. Perhaps learning how to do it the "Indian way" was better in the dark anyhow.

Carrying on with the trip I began to think that American-style (by that I mean the thrones you sit on) had become the norm, but I was sadly just leading a cushioned lifestyle (hardly!). Shortly before boarding my night bus from Hampi back to Goa... (another story... school kids at the back of the bus would have loved the bumps. However me trying to sleep getting airborne while laying out; I wasn't a fan).. I realized that there was no toilet on the 10 or 12 hour bus ride and I'd better evacuate. Searching frantically as departure time neared I could hardly find a decent restaurant let alone a decent toilet. Running into a diner I'm directed upstairs.. I search to no avail and am pointed out on the ledge. Here I turn the corner and find a closet even smaller than the first, again without a light - and this time without a seat. Yes, the infamous hole-in-the-floor. Checking my watch I contemplate my options and realize that the only feasible one is to squat. That and the squatting is going to be that much more difficult with my 40lb bag on my back..

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