Monday, October 5, 2009


The friendly Indian guy I met in my hotel lobby whistled and up pulled a sleek black automobile. He stepped into the back and offered me a ride to town as I'd mentioned I was on my way to dinner. How could I refuse? I slipped into the black interior and off we whizzed into the night. First we went for a drive around the area, stopping off at a fancy resort where the full menu was ordered, and the Kingfisher beers kept coming. After dinner we returned to their hotel and sat on the balcony becoming fast friends while room service continued. They offered me use of their wireless internet, taught me cricket while we watched the match and hyped the massive parties for the evening. A few hours later we set out to the Hilltop party to start the evening. This was set away from town and the music was thumping before I could even see the place!
They waved me off as I tried to pay my own cover, and again when the vodka-red bulls were broken out at this outdoors dance party with lights strung throughout the trees. Uninhibited dancing commenced, however this was only the pre-party so we left, grabbing a snack along the way. Cruising past the strip of clubs we decided to go to the club they owned called the West End. Using a police escort we arrived and were ushered inside, by-passing the line. I found myself on the two-level rooftop of a mansion set amongst the hills without any houses in sight. Under the full moon the music thumped and it wasn't until nearly 3am that I had a revelation...

[To Be Continued, the next time I get internet access!]


  1. You can't post a cliff-hanger on a trip that you might not have internet access again! C'mon!!

  2. wtf man, what's your revelation? quit being a tease
